What Is The JoinPD.com Code For Joining A Pear Deck Session? [Guide for 2022]

A great advantage of Pear Deck is that it allows teachers to make engaging presentations and it allows students to engage in fun activities. If you would like to join the Pear Deck session for students, you can do so by using a five-digit code or a link from joinPD.com. Throughout this guide, you will find detailed information about what it takes to join Pear Deck.

Students can use codes or links to join interactive presentations created by their teachers by visiting JoinPD.com, a sub-domain of PearDeck.com based on the CodePDBic issues previously discussed. A link or code is shared by teachers themselves through text messages or emails. Nowhere else will you find it.

Creating Pear Deck accounts is not required for participants to participate in the presentation. In order to accomplish that, they will need an account with either Microsoft or Google. It occurs as a result of the fact that Pear Deck integrates with Google Slides. In addition to this, teachers are also able to allow anonymous participation if they wish.

How does JoinPD.com work on Pear Deck?

It is a web page on www.peardeck.com that redirects users to app.peardeck.com/join via a microsite or subdomain. Students will enter a five-character code shared by their teachers to participate in a Pear Deck presentation or session on the web page.

For students, if your teacher asks your class to attend the Pear Deck presentation, you need a browser like Firefox or Chrome. The Chrome Enter the code in your browser, such as Firefox, Safari, etc. After that, you will be taken to the student dashboard where you will be able to view slides and other elements.

What is the Join Code for Pear Deck sessions?

Using their teachers’ Join Codes, students can join a Pear Deck session using the links provided by them. To be able to participate in the lesson, students may need to have a Google or Microsoft Office 365 account if the teacher has enabled those settings in the class. Alternatively, they can join the site without those by using a username and avatar as well as a password.

As a student with a Join Code, you will be able to participate in Pear Deck sessions by following these steps:

  • Your teacher will give you the Join Code for the Pear Deck session or presentation. A member of the class group may have sent it via mail or text.
  • You can join Peardeck by visiting https://app.peardeck.com/join.
  • Fill out the Join Code field with your 5-character code.
  • Finally, wait for the Pear Deck session to begin loading.

When your teacher requires logging in via email, you will either be automatically logged in or given the option to select the email account. If they do not, you may join anonymously without needing to provide your email address. The only thing you need to do is select a login username and avatar to enable your presence in the session.

Joining a Pear Deck session with Join Link

The process of joining a Pear Deck session using a Join Link is even easier than you would think. On joinpd.com there is no need to enter any code for you to be able to attend the Pear Deck presentation. As an alternative, you only have to click on a link that will take you there.

Use the following steps to join a Pear Deck session:

  • Be sure to check the email or message that your teacher sent you regarding the Pear Deck.
  • The Join Link will let you join the session.
  • You will be taken to the Pear Deck session in a browser.
  • If you want to view it, it works best in Google Chrome, but it can also be viewed in other browsers.

Upon joining the session, you will see the Student View. The presentation slides are available for you to view, as well as interactive questions asked by your teachers.

Pear Deck is a great learning resource for both students and teachers. You can switch to a modern pedagogy instead of traditional schooling.

A guide for teachers with Pear Deck JoinPD.com: Allowing students to participate anonymously or with email

There’s no question that Pear Deck is an amazing tool for teachers to use to create interactive presentations and make learning fun for their students. This website provides a number of tools for you to create slideshow-style content for your classroom using this software. The best thing about it is that they don’t have to install it separately, as it works as an add-on to Google Slides that they can put right into place.

While allowing students to participate in the Pear Deck session of the class, teachers have two choices. You can either let students join with an email account or you can allow them to join anonymously. All of the login settings for future sessions that the teacher conducts will be saved and can be accessed in the future.

Nevertheless, students are free to change these settings at any time by going to the settings and turning “student login on” or “student login off”.

 You can, however, modify them at any time by going to the settings and turning the student login on or off in the Student Login section.

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Pear Deck sessions require student logins with email

Students can join Pear Deck sessions via their email address. In order to join Pear Deck, students must enter or select their email account after entering the Join Code at joinpd.com or clicking the Join Link.

A good way to keep track of students, mark their attendance conveniently, and prevent trolls from invading sessions is to use this service. To enable the requirement for student login, follow these steps:

  • Start Pear Deck by going to the Home page.
  • You will now be able to see your personal profile if you click on it.
  • Click on My Account next.
  • Click Settings next.
  • Locate the section “Require Student Logins.”.
  • Here, select ON and select the account type for your students.

Your students will be unable to join Pear Deck sessions if they do not provide their email address.

Students should be able to join Pear Deck sessions anonymously

You can allow students to join Pear Deck sessions anonymously by following the steps for the above method. But choosing OFF for the “Require Student Logins” section. You can then allow students to join your Pear Deck sessions without requiring an email address.

The students will have the option of joining the webinars anonymously by using their avatar and nickname. Also, they can view slides and answer questions, but their names won’t be visible. The teachers will be able to see a prompt stating students are joining with avatars and nicknames.

It is useful to carry out this practice while holding fun sessions between classes. It is recommended that teachers require students to join classes with their email addresses in order to take serious classes.


We have concluded this Pear Deck guide. Hopefully, you have now learned how to use the Join Code at joinpd.com. Or the Join Link to participate in a Pear Deck.

The comment box is available in case you have any questions or concerns about using Pear Deck. Whether you are a student or teacher. I would be glad to assist you further if you need it.

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