Beginners Guide to Wifi Repeater

Since Wi-Fi is essential these days, it is essential to have proper Wi-Fi coverage in the entire building. In some areas, the WiFi signal is weak. A WiFi repeater can come in handy in this situation.

To really understand the importance of a WiFi repeater, it’s time to find out what it is and how it works.

What Is A Wifi Repeater?

A WiFi repeater is a small device that plugs into an electrical socket. It usually comes with an antenna to broadcast the signal.

WiFi Repeater captures the current WiFi signal and amplifies it and then transmits the boosted signal. A higher amplitude means that the signal travels a greater distance, thus providing a greater range than the original signal.

A higher capacity signal means better coverage only when there is a weak WiFi network and results in faster browsing speeds.

You don’t have to worry about the signal being interrupted between them. You can rely on WiFi for gaming, video calling, or live streaming. A good WiFi repeater can be purchased online from a popular online store like this one. Make sure you read reviews before choosing a model.

It’s time to understand when it makes sense to have WiFi repeaters for your buildings.

When To Use Wifi Repeaters?

There are many uses for a wifi repeater. The following are some of them.

1. Unavailability of the hotspot

Usually, when you have a portable hotspot available in the area, even if the WiFi signal is weak, you can still surf the Internet.

However, if mobile network reception is slow or you don’t have the option of using a wireless hotspot in a specific area, getting a Wi-Fi repeater to cover that area makes perfect sense.

This way, you will not lose connection when you are in a certain area.

2. The distance between your device and the router is large

One of the common applications of a WiFi repeater is when your device is far from the router. This usually happens in our homes. The router might be at one end of the house and your laptop or notebook at the other.

In this case, even though you technically have the router in your house, you will not be able to enjoy high speed internet. An easy way to do this is to use a WiFi repeater.

3. Interference

Microwaves and electromagnetic fields can interfere with a WiFi signal. As a result, the signal amplitude becomes weaker. Less bandwidth means you won’t get the same internet speed.

In some cases, your devices may not be able to detect this WiFi network. In all cases, it depends on the degree of intervention.

The best way to deal with this obstacle is to increase the amplitude of the WiFi signal. WiFi Repeater does exactly that, which is why it is such a great solution to this problem.

4. Overload of devices

In workplaces such as offices, more than 15 different devices can be connected to a single WiFi network. In this case, the network may be overloaded.

This is where a high amplitude signal will undoubtedly help you. WiFi Repeater increases the signal amplitude, allowing everyone to stay connected.

However, this may or may not result in bandwidth amplification; So, only connectivity is good, not speed.

5. Propagation of wifi to another floor

If your buildings are spread over multiple floors, a single WiFi router may not be able to broadcast signals across all floors. WiFi repeaters can help you in this situation.

However, it simplifies the signal and can spread it to the next floor. You should get the antenna that came with the antenna and point it in the right direction.

Where To Place The Wifi Repeater?

Where To Place The Wifi Repeater?Even the best Wi-Fi repeater will help you if you don’t put it in the right place. When choosing a WiFi repeater location, there are three things to keep in mind. We cover these below.

  1. Near low reception area

You must first determine the location where you are getting a weak WiFi signal. This is where the signal needs to be amplified.

You need to place a repeater near the site. However, to choose the right location near a low reception area, you should look at two additional factors that we have outlined below.

2. Ensure no obstruction

If you want to ensure that the repeater is operating at high efficiency, make sure there is no obstacle between the repeater and the device receiving low reception.

If possible, there should be no interference between the current WiFi router and the repeater.

Both are in line of sight propagation; the amplification of the signal will be maximum in the ange of the wifi and will increase drastically. 

At least the part between the wifi repeater and the device with low reception should be clear of obstacles if it is not possible to avoid obstacles on both sides.

3. Power source

Last but not least, you must look for an electric socket close to the repeater when selecting the location. The repeater can only function if it has an electric connection. That is another thing to keep in mind while selecting the location.

Choose a location that satisfies these three conditions, and you should never have to worry about weak Wi-Fi reception again.

What Is WPS Mode?

WPS mode on your router begins the discovery process of new devices. In that case, you can select the desired network from your device, and it will automatically connect to it without your having to enter a password. 

However, since this mode bypasses your router’s security, it is good not to keep it active. It is because of this that you shouldn’t press the WPS push button on most routers.

What Is AP Mode?

AP mode stands for Access Point mode. In addition, this mode allows for the connection of several wireless machines to the WiFi network. As a result of this mode, you do not need to buy additional repeaters in order to extend your wifi range. 

However, in this mode, the security features are less robust. If using the router provided by your ISP, it might have this mode disabled by default.

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